For the Love of Food

For the Love of Food


Do You adore those gorgeous photos on-line, in magazines, on Pinterest and Instagram and wish you could create something similar? Do you wonder how they got that lighting and styling, just so perfect? I can show you HOW you can do it too.

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The art of Food Photography starts long before we press that shutter button…learn the secrets of what to do; during the set up and styling, the shoot and the edit. Create mouth watering images that make the viewer crave your dishes. My wish is to gift you with the most creative ideas, information and tools to help you take your photography to the next level. I really do love to help people really enjoy and get the most from their creative passion, by creating a positive and encouraging environment for you to continue on your photographic journey.

I love food, and I enjoy cooking, but YOU do NOT have to be a great cook to create amazing food images. Often in editorial or commercial food photography, you are not creating the dishes, only taking the photos to enhance and bring out the best for each dish that has been prepared for you.

In this eBook, I am going to cover fundamentals I have discovered over many years for Food Photography.

Please do not hand out this book to others, it is a single person, single purchase book.