First look at Boris FX Optics

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I was recently asked to review Boris FX Optics software. I had never heard of Boris FX before — they’re mainly in the video space, making visual effects and video software, which looks pretty cool. They have been in the film industry for over 20 years.

So how does this still photography product, FX Optics, hold up?

FX Optics is a stand-alone software or plugin for Lightroom and/or Photoshop (Mac and Windows). They have a whole raft of different video editing programs — it’s a little overwhelming.

Actually, overwhelming is a good term in general for this software. Don’t get me wrong, it was great fun experimenting. But I feel perhaps there is almost too much choice. With over 160 different filters and thousands of presets, it’s hard to know where to start.  There were some interesting filters for basic photographic images, but there are also so really funky, way out there effects too.

I realize in this video I was playing it safe, but when there are so many different filters and options it’s difficult to cover it all.

If you just like to dabble in the occasional effects, this program may not be your cup of tea, but if you are really into special effects and playing with some really cool toys, then Boris FX Optics might just be what you have been looking for. There are some incredible lighting filters and you can add backgrounds and more.

Boris FX Optics is available as a new license for $149. It’s also available as an annual ($99) or monthly ($9) subscription.