A special gift for Jude

A little while ago I created and had printed the Wonderful Animal Imaginarium. It is basically an Alphabet book full of wonderful and magical animals. It was a fun project and I was really quite proud of it. I sold a few digital copies in PDF and that was that.

Then a few months ago I was contacted by a lady in the USA who wanted to purchase a hard-cover copy for her son, Jude, for Christmas. So I remastered a few images and even created some new ones, had it printed and then posted it over to the USA…hoping all the restrictions and delays with the post, it would arrive in time.

Then a few days ago I was sent a message to say he got it and loves it…

Jude with his book

Jude with his book

Here are just a few of the images that appear in the book, all original artworks. Would love to one day have it on Amazon or Kindle or similar, and perhaps I might look into that this year.

If you wish to purchase a copy, I can still arrange that for you. It is 30cm X 30cm 60 page full colour hard-cover book and it is gorgeous (If I do say so myself).

Nothing like a good news story to start the year. So many thanks to Jude’s mum April for making two people very happy this Christmas. It’s so nice to know my art and creativity is making a little boy very happy and taking him on a wonderful adventure during such trying times.