Mastering Dramatic Portraits: Achieving Stunning Results with a Single Beauty Dish Light Setup

Capturing stunning and dramatic portraits has never been easier with this one-light setup. The Phottix G-Capsule makes it easy to swap between diffusers, beauty dish, and grids all in one handy capsule.

The Set Up

I used a black seamless paper backdrop and a few simple props; skull, latern, cosplay gun etc and occasionally a large red velvet chair. I had my model standing and sitting in various positions using the different props. I had my Godox AD400Pro and the Phottix 85cm G-Capsule on a light stand at a 45-degree angle and up high pointed down at my subject. I also had a large white curved reflector to bounce some additional light onto my model's face. I put my camera on a tripod with a remote trigger so I could use an old hair dryer to blow some 'wind' into my model's hair. Stuck with the K.I.S.S. principle on this one.

The costumes and props I already had in the studio, so we were basically just playing around with what we had to create some gorgeous Steampunk vibes.

Camera gear

Come behind the scenes

Come behind the scenes in the studio as I set up the Phottix Beauty simple. It's never been easier to Master dramatic portraits than with Phottix.

Model - Emily Reinhard